SHL Inductive Reasoning Test Online Preparation: Free Practice Questions & Helpful Tips – 2025

What Is the SHL Inductive Reasoning Test?
The SHL Inductive Reasoning Test is a popular pre-employment test across several industries. The exam measures your problem-solving ability using images, non-verbal, and non-numerical information. For this reason, inductive reasoning tests are also referred to as logical or abstract reasoning tests.
Often, employers will ask candidates to take both an inductive reasoning test and a deductive reasoning test. While it may feel like these are similar, there are some critical distinctions between them. One is that inductive reasoning assessments are more abstract and ask you to look for patterns in figural data, while deductive tests are often verbal.
The other main distinction is how you are being tested. The inductive reasoning test will give you specific information and ask you to reach a general conclusion. In contrast, the deductive reasoning exams will provide you with general statements and require you to reach a specific conclusion.
SHL currently offers three different versions of its inductive reasoning test. The Verify G+ test comes in both an interactive and non-interactive format, and they also have a non-interactive SHL Verify test. Each of these has a different format, so it is best to tailor your preparation to the specific test that you will be taking.
SHL Verify G+ Interactive Inductive Reasoning Test
The first test you may encounter is the SHL Verify G+ Interactive Inductive Reasoning Test. This exam consists of 15 questions, and you will have 18 minutes to complete the test.
This test format is unique because instead of selecting the correct answer choice, you will need to interact with the problem in some way to complete the question. For example, you may need to drag and drop answers into the correct area of the screen or rank items in the proper order.
Verify G+ Interactive Sample Questions
Below are a few of example questions similar to what you may encounter on the interactive exam:
Question 1:
Complete the sequence:

Answer 1:
During the actual test, you will need to drag your mouse from shape to shape to finish out the sequence that was started for you. The correct sequence is: A -> 40 -> C -> 35 -> E -> 30 -> G -> 25 -> I -> 20
Question 2:
Shade in the shape to create the next image in the sequence.

On the actual exam, you will need to use your mouse to click on the correct square that should be shaded in the final rectangle. The correct answer is:

SHL Verify G+ Non-Interactive Inductive Reasoning Test
The SHL Verify G+ Non-Interactive Inductive Reasoning Test is formatted like a typical multiple-choice exam. After each question, you will be given four or five answer choices. This assessment consists of 18 questions and has a time limit of 24 minutes.
The questions on this test are similar to the interactive test, but you will not be able to interact with the question itself. Instead, you will be given a pattern or series of figures, and the answer choices will be possibilities of what could come next. You must decipher the pattern to determine which answer choice is correct.
Verify G+ Non-Interactive Sample Questions
Below is an example of a question you may find on the Verify G+ Non-Interactive Inductive Reasoning Test:
Choose the image that completes the pattern:

To correctly answer this question, you will need to figure out the pattern of the shaded portion of the square, where the arrows are placed, and what direction the arrows are pointing.
The correct answer is choice D.
CEB’s SHL Verify Inductive Reasoning Test
The SHL Inductive Reasoning Test is very similar to the Verify G+ Non-Interactive Test, but it is an older version. This exam is also non-interactive and multiple choice. The assessment consists of 24 questions, and you will have a 25-minute time limit.
SHL Verify Sample Questions
Below is an example of a question you may find on CEB’s SHL Verify Inductive Reasoning Test.
Choose the image that completes the pattern below:

To identify the correct figure, you first have to understand the pattern: every colour is only in each row and column once. The correct answer choice is B.
SHL Inductive Reasoning Test Scoring
The SHL Inductive Reasoning Test scoring is similar to the SHL Deductive Reasoning Test. After the test is finished, each applicant will receive a “Candidate Assessment Report” that gives them the examination results and some general feedback that they may find helpful.
Each candidate’s score will be reported as a grade group, from A being the highest to E being the lowest. Your grade group is determined by how well you did on the test compared to other candidates. This scoring method means that your raw score does not matter as much as doing well compared to the other applicants in the candidate pool. Though the raw score is not what is reported, you should still strive to do your best on the test.
Comparing scores in this way helps the employer eliminate any unintentional bias in the test. For example, if you only scored a 70% on the test, but most of the candidates scored between 65% and 75%, you performed at an average level though the raw score is not great.
However, because your score will be compared to others, a high score can still be considered “average” if everyone in the group does well. Because of this, you must prepare for the test adequately to get as high of a score as you can.
Though there is no specific score that will allow you to “pass” this test, most candidates who score in the A and B grade groups can expect to graduate to the next level of the hiring process.
Tips for Taking SHL Inductive Reasoning Tests
Here are a few tips that may help you when you are taking the SHL Inductive Reasoning Test:
- Eliminate answer choices. The majority of the questions will have two or three answer choices that are obviously incorrect. As you figure out the patterns, eliminate the ones you know cannot be correct, so you do not waste as much time on them. You may even get to a point where there is one choice standing before you finish going through the pattern.
- Find out if you can have a calculator. Some companies do allow you to have a calculator during the test. If you can have a calculator, do not spend time worrying about having to do pen and paper calculations. If you are not allowed to have a calculator, you will want to make sure you polish your arithmetic skills during your preparation.
- Manage your time properly. The most significant stressor on the SHL Inductive Reasoning Test is the time constraint. Be sure to manage your time between the questions to avoid running out of time. Remember, you will have approximately one minute to answer each question.
- Practise and prepare as much as possible. You will want to make sure that you take the time to practice and prepare for the exam as much as possible. This will help boost your confidence when taking the exam and help you do better on the assessment.
How to Prepare for the SHL Inductive Reasoning Assessment?
The best way to prepare for the SHL Inductive Reasoning Assessment is to practise for the exam with similar questions. The questions on the inductive reasoning test are unique and may be hard to understand when you first see them. You must rehearse similar questions as much as possible to answer the questions on the actual exam quickly and accurately.
You can find practice materials online. Full-length sample tests are a great resource, and you can find example questions of particular types if there is one type of question that is giving you more trouble. It is also good to research other test-taking tips and strategies that may help you do better on the exam.
Working through practice problems is the best way to ensure that you will do well on the test. Proper preparation will significantly increase your chances of doing well and scoring in the A or B grade group.