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Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Tests Online Preparation, Tips & Free Practice Questions: MAT, MultiCraft & MecTest – 2025

Aptitude Written Exams

What Are Ramsay Mechanical Tests?

There are many mechanical tests offered by Ramsay Corporation. Some of these are on aptitude. Aptitude is the ability to learn mechanical and electrical ideas and apply them to different problems. These aptitude tests are meant for apprentice-level applicants with little to no experience. Other Ramsay exams test your mechanical knowledge. These are mainly for more experienced applicants or workers already employed. Some tests like the Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test, which tests mechanical aptitude, can be taken in English, Spanish, and French. Other Ramsay tests are only offered in English and Spanish. Many Ramsay tests are available online and in pencil and paper. But some are only available in pencil and paper.

There are five tests that you may need to know. All of them are popular tests for pre-employment in production and maintenance jobs. The five tests are: Mechanical Aptitude Test, MultiCraft Aptitude Test, MultiCraft Entry, MultiCraft Trainee, and the MecTest. The test you take will depend on your skill level. The Ramsay Corporation sets experience levels like this:

  • Aptitude (Apprentice): The position requires no previous training. It measures a person’s ability to learn concepts and principles.
  • Entry: The applicant has 1-2 years of training or experience, but needs an additional 2-3 years of training.
  • Trainee: The applicant has 2-3 years of training or experience, but needs another 1-2 years of training.
  • Journey: The applicant has 2-5 years of training and experience.
  • Advanced Journey-Level: The applicant has more than 5 years of experience, and is required to test for starting (C-Level), intermediate (B-Level), or advanced (A-Level) positions.

If you are an apprentice or entry-level applicant you will probably take the Mechanical Aptitude Test or the MultiCraft Aptitude Test. These tests do NOT test complicated knowledge. They simply measure your ability to learn and apply mechanics in many problems. If you have experience and some years in production and maintenance work, you will probably take the MultiCraft Entry, MultiCraft Trainee, or MecTest. These tests DO test your knowledge in areas like mechanics, electricity, repair, and maintenance. There are many more tests offered by Ramsay Corporation that are used by employers. This is not the full list. We will focus on just these five main ones.


Topics on the Ramsay Mechanical Tests

 Here are the topic areas on the tests:

Topics on Mechanical Aptitude Tests:

Topic Aptitude Test
Topics Tested Mechanical Aptitude Test MultiCraft Aptitude Test
Household Objects X X
Work: Production and Maintenance X X
School: Science and Physics X X
Hand and Power Tools X X
Electrical Mathematics X
Process Flow X
Signal Flow X
Electrical Sequences X


Topics on Mechanical Knowledge Tests:

Topic Knowledge Test
Topics Tested MultiCraft Entry MultiCraft Trainee MecTest
Basic AC/DC Theory X
Combustion X
Computers & PLCs X
Control Circuits X
Digital & Analog Electronics X
Electrical Maintenance X X
Hydraulics & Pneumatics X X X
Lubrication X X X
Mechanical Maintenance X X
Motors X
Power Distribution X
Power Transmission X X X
Power Supplies X
Pumps & Piping X X X
Schematics & Print Reading X
(just Print Reading)
(just Print Reading)
Shop Machines &
Tools & Equipment
(just Hand & Power tools)
Test Instruments X
Welding & Cutting & Rigging X X
(just Welding & Rigging)


Important Side Note:

It is important to know that when you take your exam, the person who gives you the exam will assign you to an account. This account is set up with other test takers of a similar background. The account may be used for the position you are applying for. This account allows you to see how well you did among the entire group.


General Tips for Ramsay Mechanical Tests

  • Review the basics – This goes for all the tests that we mention. The basics include important physics laws, principles, and information. This is really important for aptitude exams where you are tested on your ability to apply basic mechanical ideas. Some examples of laws include Newton’s Laws of Motion, the Laws of Thermodynamics, and Ohm’s Law.
  • Rely on your experience – Your experience is the best thing to help you on the test. If you worked in repair/maintenance, HVAC, Automation, or any other physical and mechanical job, then it will help you on the tests. This means it is good to remember your basic training and day-to-day skills. This is especially true on Ramsay knowledge tests meant for higher-level applicants/workers.
  • Read the question carefully – The wording of the question is important. Be sure to read carefully. If you do not understand exactly what is being asked, read it again. If you are taking a fast exam like the Mechanical Aptitude Test, do not read extremely fast. You may misunderstand what is being asked and put an incorrect answer.
  • Answer every question – You do not get penalized for missing a question or marking an incorrect answer. You should give an answer for each question to increase your chance of a high score.
  • Use practice tests and questions – Take a practice test or some practice questions to help you get familiar with the test. Some of these tests are very long. Some are only about 20 minutes long. You want to be ready for how these tests will feel when you take it.


Scores and Ramsay’s Score Reports

After you take a Ramsay mechanical test you or your employer will be sent scores of your performance. Here are two reports that we believe are important to understand. Also, please note that these reports may or may not be sent to you after the test.

Individual Score Report

The first report is called the Individual Score Report. It has your raw score and percentile rank. Your raw score is the number of questions you answered correctly on the test. This can be from all of the questions on the test or from questions in a single topic area. For example, you may see your score from the Hydraulics section on the test or from the Electrical Maintenance section. Your scores from these sections add up to your total raw score. In addition to raw scores, the Individual Score Report gives your percentile rank. This is the percentage of people that scored at or below your level on the exam. These people are from the testing account that was assigned to you. These people can also be everyone who took the test nationally. This means there are actually two types of percentile ranks given to you: local and national.  A local rank of 46% means you scored better than 46% of the people in the account set up by your employer. A national rank of 46% means you scored better than 46% of the test-takers across the nation. People believe you should score higher than 80% in your percentile ranks to be competitive. Although this is a good rank, your employer will be the one to decide what cutoff scores works for them.

Qualification Report

Another report that might be sent to you is the Qualification Report. This report shows if you qualify for different skills and positions. The Ramsay Corporation decides cutoff scores for these skills in each of its tests. If you score at or higher than this cutoff score for your position, then you will be marked as “qualified.” If you score lower than the cutoff, then you will be given an “unqualified” rating. Your employer will probably use these Ramsay cutoff scores to determine whether or not you are truly qualified for the role.

Scores Summary

There are many score reports beyond these, but you do not have to worry about them. Just know that you will be compared with others based on your performance on topic areas and the test overall. We believe that good preparation for these tests will improve your chances to be competitive. We hope that with our preparation materials you will be able to make the cutoff for your position.


Summary of Ramsay’s Mechanical Tests

The Ramsay Corporation has created tests for mechanical aptitude and knowledge. Mechanical aptitude and knowledge are important for many employers and companies in manufacturing, energy, and more. Besides the ones we showed, there are many other tests that you can take from the Ramsay Corporation according to your experience level. Just keep in mind that aptitude tests do not test knowledge and are meant to test your ability to learn a concept. Aptitude tests are meant for early-stage applicants. Other tests like the MultiCraft Entry, MultiCraft Trainee, and Mechanical Technician (MecTec) test are meant for more experienced applicants or workers and do test your knowledge. Regardless of what test you take, studying basic physical/ mechanical material and taking practice questions will always help you in your performance on these tests. The table below shows a summary of the five mechanical Ramsay tests we have shown you.

Summary of Ramsay Mechanical Tests:

Test Name Applicant Level Questions and Time Forms and Languages** Test Content
Mechanical Aptitude Test Apprentice 36 multiple-choice items; 20 minutes MAT-4 (E/S)
MAT-B2 (E)
MAT-3 (F)
Mechanical aptitude
MultiCraft Aptitude Test Apprentice 40 multiple-choice items; 24 minutes A6 (E/S)
B (E)
Mechanical and Electrical aptitude
MultiCraft Entry Entry 60 multiple-choice items; untimed A (E) Mechanical and electrical knowledge
MultiCraft Trainee Trainee 60 multiple-choice items; untimed A3 (E/S)
B (E)
Mechanical and electrical knowledge
MecTest Journey 60 multiple-choice items; untimed A1 (E/S)
B3 (E)
Advanced mechanical knowledge

**Forms and Languages: E = English, S = Spanish, F= French


Ramsay’s Mechanical Aptitude Test (MAT)

The Mechanical Aptitude Test is a test on your ability to learn mechanical concepts and apply them in different situations. It is meant for apprentice- and entry-level applicants. The test has 36 multiple-choice questions and a time limit of 20 minutes. The test is offered online in languages of English and Spanish. It is also offered in paper and pencil in languages of English, Spanish, and French. There are two main forms of the test, MAT-4 and MAT-B2, but the French version is actually an older form of the test called MAT-3. MAT-4 and MAT-B2 are alternate forms of the same test so you do not need to worry about which one you need to take. You may be interested to take the test online and scrambled. This just means you get extra security on the test by giving you random questions from a large question bank.


The subject areas on the tests are:

  • Household Objects (31%)
  • Work: Production and Maintenance (25%)
  • School: Science and Physics (17%)
  • Hand and Power Tools (28%)


Household Objects (31%)

This section tests your physical awareness of your surroundings at home. You do not need to know details about how items work or function. But be familiar with common consumer products. Applying them in mechanical situations will be essential for you on the test. There are 11 Household Objects questions on the test.



Work: Production and Maintenance (25%)

This section tests your understanding of simple procedures. These procedures may be for building a product or part of a machine. The procedures may be to repair or maintain a piece of equipment. It will also be important for you to understand the purpose of items when used for repair or maintenance. There are 9 Work: Production and Maintenance questions on the test.



School: Science and Physics  (17%)

This section tests your knowledge in science and physics. For science, this can be a wide area. Heat, fluids, materials, and chemistry are all possible topics here. For physics, a general understanding of how things move, like under gravity, is very important. There are 6 School: Science and Physics questions on the test.



Hand and Power Tools  (28%)

This section tests your knowledge in power and hand tools. Knowing what some tools are and how they work on a basic level are essential for these questions. These include hammers, saws, drills, and solders, along with a variety of other tools. Many times, a careful study of the question will help you get to the right answer even if you don’t know much about the tools. There are 10 Hand and Power Tools questions of the test.





Household Objects – C

Work: Production and Maintenance – B

School: Science and Physics – A

Hand and Power Tools – B


Special Information on the Mechanical Aptitude Test (MAT)

The Mechanical Aptitude Test is an exam that tests you on basic mechanical concepts. You must apply what you know about physics and mechanics to questions across different topics, not including electricity. The exam is different from other aptitude tests. You are tested on everyday objects like household item, tools, and work equipment on the MAT. It is good to rely on experience for these questions but also on basic mechanical laws. Here are some test tips for people taking the Mechanical Aptitude Test and some information on its scoring:


Tips for the Mechanical Aptitude Test

  • Study the main principles – These are important. Every topic on the MAT has a law or principle that is used. These mostly include classical physics ideas like gravity, acceleration, heat, as well as fluid flow. It does not have to be complicated. Just read what the laws mean and it should help you understand how to solve the questions. Please note that you do not have to study electricity topics for this exam.
  • Study the pictures – The questions on the MAT usually have pictures that you look at. There can be a difference in the pictures. It is important that you see this difference and know what it means. Think about the law or principle for the problem and think about the difference. You should be able to answer the question from there.
  • Answer every question – You do not get penalized for missing a question or marking an incorrect answer. Just like on the other tests, you should give an answer for each question to increase your chance of a high score.
  • Be aware – Most of the questions on the MAT are based on common, everyday objects. Household Objects and Hand and Power Tools questions are good examples. Try to understand common house items, tools, and even work equipment if you can. These can give you an advantage on the test. If you combine that with what you know about physics laws and principles, then you can have a better chance of answering more questions correctly.
  • Use practice questions and tests – Take a practice test or some practice questions to help you get familiar with the test. The MAT is one of the shortest mechanical aptitude tests available. You want to be ready to pace yourself during the exam. This means you need to get familiar with questions on the test so that you can answer them quickly and correctly.


Scoring on the Mechanical Aptitude Test

Scores on the MAT include the raw scores and percentile rank. Your raw score is the number of questions answered correctly out of 36. Because there are four sections on the test, you will also have separate scores for each section. Your percentile rank is the percentage of people who scored below you. You will have an overall percentile rank but also percentile ranks for each section on the test. It is always better to get a higher score and rank. Your scores will indicate to the employer your ability to learn mechanical ideas. This is a very important skill to have in jobs in maintenance, repair, engineering, mechanics, aviation, and many more mechanical fields. We hope that you do well on this exam so that you qualify for these jobs.


Summary of the Mechanical Aptitude Test

This is a short exam and it is meant to test your ability to learn mechanical ideas. This test has been updated many times to help test-takers. It is modern with a specific emphasis on household items and tools used in the workplace and at home. But, this test does not focus too much on the details. Be sure to prepare for the test as it is a reliable way to show employers your ability in mechanics. Those who do well on the Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test have also done well on other tests like the Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test and the Wiesen Test of Mechanical Aptitude. All of these are popular exams for many employers and applicants to demonstrate mechanical aptitude. However, this test is different from others in that it emphasizes a bit more on work/home mechanical tools and applications.


MultiCraft Aptitude Test

The MultiCraft Aptitude Test is another aptitude test for your ability. It tests your ability to learn both mechanical concepts and electrical concepts. The test is meant for the apprentice-level applicant. It has 40 multiple-choice questions and the time limit is 24 minutes. You may take it online or in paper and pencil in the languages of English or Spanish. The two forms of the test are A6 or B, but they are both equal in test value.


What Are the subject areas for the MultiCraft Aptitude Test?

Mechanical Concepts (same as Mechanical Aptitude Test):

  • Household Objects
  • Work (Production and Maintenance)
  • School (Science and Physics)
  • Hand and Power Tools

Electrical Concepts (beyond the Mechanical Aptitude Test):

  • Electrical Mathematics
  • Process Flow
  • Signal Flow
  • Electrical Sequences


Summary of the MultiCraft Aptitude Test

The MultiCraft Aptitude Test is a little longer than the Mechanical Aptitude Test. The reason is that the MultiCraft Aptitude Test has an extra section on electrical concepts. The four concepts in this section require a general understanding of electrical physics. You should be familiar with circuit diagrams and flow diagrams to do well on the electrical questions. It will be important to study the pictures and questions carefully on this test.


Ramsay’s Mid-Level Tests

Ramsay MultiCraft Entry

The MultiCraft Entry is an exam that tests your knowledge on mechanical and electrical ideas. This is meant for technicians for entry-level applicants, or people with 1-2 years of training. There are 60 multiple-choice questions on the test and the test is NOT timed. It is only offered in English but it can be taken online or with pencil and paper. The Ramsay Corporation calls this test Entry-Form A.


The seven topics on the MultiCraft Entry test are:

  1. Lubrication
  2. Power Transmission
  3. Electrical
  4. Hand and Power Tools
  5. Pneumatics & Hydraulics
  6. Print Reading
  7. Pumps & Piping


MultiCraft Trainee

The MultiCraft Trainee is an exam similar to the MultiCraft Entry. It tests your knowledge on mechanical and electrical concepts. This test however is meant for technicians that have 2-3 years of experience. Just like the Entry version, the Trainee has 60 multiple-choice questions and is not timed. The MultiCraft Trainee has two forms, Form A3 and Form B. The MultiCraft Trainee test is offered online or with paper and pencil, and is in languages of English and Spanish.


The topics on the MultiCraft Trainee test are:

  1. Hydraulics & Pneumatics
  2. Lubrication
  3. Pumps & Piping
  4. Control Circuits
  5. Power Supplies
  6. Basic AC/DC Theory
  7. Welding & Cutting & Rigging
  8. Mechanical Maintenance
  9. Combustion
  10. Schematics and Print Reading
  11. Computers & PLCs
  12. Power Distribution
  13. Power Transmission
  14. Shop Machines & Tools & Equipment
  15. Motors
  16. Digital and Analog Electronics
  17. Test Instruments
  18. Electrical Maintenance


Ramsay’s Journey-Level Tests

Ramsay MecTest

The MecTest is an advanced mechanics exam. It is meant for journey-level repair and maintenance workers. These are workers with more than 5 years of experience. There are 60 multiple-choice questions on the test and it is not timed. The two test forms are A1 and B3 but they are equal. This test is offered online or with paper and pencil. It is also offered in English or Spanish.


The nine topics on the MecTest are:

  1. Hydraulics & Pneumatics
  2. Print Reading
  3. Welding & Rigging
  4. Power Transmission
  5. Lubrication
  6. Pumps & Piping
  7. Mechanical Maintenance
  8. Shop Machines
  9. Tools, Materials, & Equipment


Summary of Knowledge Tests

The MultiCraft Entry, MultiCraft Trainee, and MecTest all test specific knowledge you have learned from school and your job. There many topics that you will be tested on. The greatest number of topics will be on the MultiCraft Trainee, but the most difficult test will be the MecTest. You will take one of these tests depending on your experience level as given by Ramsay Corporation. It will be important to rely on your experience from work to do well on these tests. In addition, remembering physical laws will certainly not hurt you while taking these high-level exams.


Examples of Ramsay’s Aptitude Test Questions

Here are some example questions for the Ramsay Corporation’s Mechanical Aptitude Test and MultiCraft Aptitude Test. Remember that the Mechanical Aptitude Test tests your mechanical aptitude in Household Objects, Work: Production and Maintenance, School: Science and Physics, and Hand and Power Tools. The MultiCraft Aptitude Test tests in more subject areas including Electrical Mathematics, Process Flow, Signal Flow, and Electrical Sequences. Here are the questions:

Example 1:


Example 2:


Example 3:




  1. Correct Answer: B — The one with three legs.
    Explanation: The table on the left will fall over because it does not have a third leg. Usually tables in the home have four legs to balance on all four sides. Three legs can make a stable table if placed carefully like in option B. But two legs can never work for a table because it could always fall on either side of the legs. It is not stable. This means answer A is wrong and that answer B is correct because the table with three legs has the extra support to keep it standing.
  2. Correct Answer: A – You should use the Phillips screwdriver on the left.
    Explanation: It is good to know common screwdrivers and screws that are used at home or at work. The screwdriver on the left is called a Phillips and the one on the right is called a flat-head screwdriver. A Phillips screwdriver only works on a screws that have a head with a cross and square center for its hole. This is the shape of the hole shown in the question. Flat-head screwdrivers only work on screws with heads that have a bar or cross across the head. If you did not know about these shapes and screwdrivers this problem can still be solved with some careful studying. The shape of the hole on the screw head has a cross and square center. It is not simply a bar going across. Screwdriver B seems to have only a flat side while screwdriver A seems to have a cross or at least more than one flat side. The screwdriver on the left more closely matches the shape of the screw head. Indeed, the screw head that is shown at the top requires the Phillips screwdriver shown on the left, so A is the correct answer.
  3. Correct Answer: B – The three-prong plug is safer.
    Explanation: It is important to recognize the electrical plugs and outlets used for electrical appliances. The outlet shown has three holes. This means both of the answer choices can be used on this outlet. But the question is not asking what can be used. It asks which is safer. Let’s walk through why B is the safer choice. The plug on the left does not have a middle prong. It is two-pronged. The plug in the middle has an extra prong, called the ground. The ground prong is always part of the three-prong plugs shown like the one in the middle. The purpose of the ground is to prevent metal casings in everyday electronics from becoming connected to the circuit. It trips the fuse in your circuit if there is a wire that becomes loose or broken in your electronics. Without the ground, any metal part of the appliance that comes in contact with broken wires inside the appliance or wall outlet could conduct electricity, causing a short circuit. It can be fatal for someone is using the appliance when this happens. This is why three-prong plugs should always be used over the two-prong plugs when possible.