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Numerical Critical Reasoning Test: Free Practice & Tips

Numerical Reasoning Test Preparation Questions

If your employer or prospective employer has asked you to take a numerical critical reasoning test, then you’re in for a challenge. These exams are widely known as the most difficult psychometric examinations around, and they’ll demand all of your attention and ingenuity. Here’s what you should know going for the interview.


What’s the Difference Between a Numerical Reasoning Test & a Quantitative Critical Thinking Test?

A numerical reasoning test is fairly straightforward insofar as it uses standard algebraic formulas and geometric theorems. A regular numerical reasoning exam won’t require all that much creativity. As long as you’re comfortable using percentages, ratios, proportions, etc., you shouldn’t have too much difficulty arriving at the answer.

A quantitative critical thinking test, by contrast, will require much more from you. Not only will you have to extract information from graphs, tables, and word problems, but you’ll also have to manipulate data in strange ways and pull in outside information to come to a conclusion.


What Does a Critical Reasoning Test Prove?

Critical reasoning questions test your ability to think outside the box and solve problems in new ways. Innovative companies like Apple and Google are always on the search for clever engineers who bring a fresh perspective to the team and approach dilemmas from new angles.

As Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

While your new job probably won’t require you to solve logic puzzles at your desk, you’ll surely face unforeseen obstacles and challenges. By requiring this test as part of the hiring process, the company is hoping to find unique, fertile minds with new ideas.

Who Do Numerical Critical Reasoning Tests Assess?

Numerical critical reasoning tests are used to test any job-seekers from entry-level graduate applicants to senior level professionals. The pre-employment screening questions used on these psychometric exams are designed to test critical thinking skills required to make calculated decisions on an everyday basis.

What Do Numerical Critical Reasoning Tests Assess?

Unlike a standard numerical reasoning test, quantitative critical thinking tests are more unpredictable. You can practice abstract reasoning questions, logic puzzles, and estimation problems, but critical reasoning tests are designed to trick you.


How to prepare for a Numerical Critical Reasoning Assessment?

That is to say, that chances are more than likely you’ll encounter problems you haven’t seen before. The best way, and perhaps the only way, to prepare for this kind of exam is to review your standard formulas. Critical reasoning tests usually don’t last longer than about 20 minutes, so you’ll be working under pressure. The last thing you’d want is to forget the mathematical knowledge you do have.


Final Preparation Tips:

Quantitative critical reasoning isn’t simple. It requires a great deal of creativity and concentration. Not only do you need to have mastered the basics, but you need to be able to manipulate mathematical rules in unpredictable ways. These online questions and videos can get you started on numerical critical reasoning, but if you want to be really prepared for the assessment centre, make sure to check out some of our resources below.


Free Example Questions:

  1. There are 8 billiard balls, and one of them weighs slightly more than the others. What is the minimum number of times you need to use the scale to figure out which ball is heaviest?
  2. A man needs to take one X pill and one Y pill every day. One day, he shakes out one X pill into his hand and then two Y pills. Unfortunately, the pills look, taste, and smell exactly the same. How does the man figure out which pills he needs to take without wasting any?



Explained Answers:

  1. 2: Divide the balls into three groups. Two of the groups should contain three balls, and the third group should contain Weigh the two three-ball groups. If one of them is heavier, you know that side contains the heavier ball. Choose any two of the balls on the heavier side and weigh them against each other. If they balance out, you know the other ball is the heaviest.On the other hand, if the two sides are equal, you know the heavier ball is in the third group, which you haven’t weighed yet. So, you’ll place one ball on either side of the scale to find out which one is heavier.
  2. If he has one X pill and two Y pills, he’ll need to line them up in a row, split them all in half, and place each half on the table. Then, he’ll take another X and split it in half so that each side will contain a total of one X and one Y. Finally, he’ll take one half and save the other half to take the following day.