L’Oreal Assessment Tests & Hiring Process Preparation – 2025
What Is L’Oreal?
L’Oreal is a leading beauty and cosmetics company based in France. They are the largest cosmetics company globally, with a presence in 150 countries. They manufacture numerous beauty products, including both skin-care and hair care products. L’Oreal employs 86,000 individuals worldwide in various capacities. L’Oreal has positions available in numerous departments for graduates and senior candidates. The available positions are in the following areas:
L’Oreal’s extensive list of employee benefits makes them an attractive place to work.
Retirement & Financial Benefits
Retirement savings plan
Pension plan
Insurance Benefits
Health insurance
Life insurance
Dental insurance
Severance pay
Accidental death insurance
What Is L’Oreal’s Hiring Process?
L’Oreal’s recruitment process is user-friendly and focused on the individual. Below are the steps of their hiring process:
Online Application
The first step is to fill out an application on L’Oreal’s careers website. You will be asked to detail your qualifications, past experience, and any training you may have had. Upon submitting your completed application, you will get an email confirming L’Oreal’s receipt of your application.
L’Oreal Online Aptitude Tests
In order to ensure that all their employees meet their high standards, L’Oreal administers assessment tests to all applicants. Potential employees will be asked to take one or several screening tests, based on the specific position they applied for. L’Oreal generally utilises the IBM Kenexa tests during their employment process. This varies based on the location where you are taking the test. For instance, in the UK, the Talent Q numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning and logical reasoning tests are mostly used. The primary types of tests that L’Oreal uses are the numerical reasoning test, verbal reasoning test, and logical reasoning test. On occasion L’Oreal may also administer the SJT and/or some type of self-assessment personality test.
Numerical Reasoning Test This test is usually around 20 to 30 minutes. It is designed to assess your deductive ability, as well as your proficiency with numerical data. You will be provided with tables, graphs, and charts containing data. You will need to understand the presented information and answer questions to demonstrate your comprehension. The answers are multiple-choice.
Verbal Reasoning Test The verbal test will evaluate your reading fluency and reading comprehension. You will be presented with a paragraph of text that you will need to read and answer questions about. The answers are multiple-choice.
Logical Reasoning Test The logical test is intended to assess your reasoning and analytical skills. You will be asked to interpret data that is presented in a diagram. The answers are multiple-choice.
Situational Judgement Test (SJT) The purpose of this test is for L’Oreal to get a clear picture of your actions and reactions in the workplace. This is a multiple-choice test. You will be presented with a scenario that is related to the position you are applying for. About four or five hypothetical solutions will then be listed. You will need to select the most effective course of action.The most effective method to improve your score on the SJT is to acquaint yourself with the typical SJT questions by taking practice tests. Having a comprehensive understanding of the job you are applying for, and all the responsibilities it entails will also aid you on the SJT. The hypothetical situations that you are presented with will be directly related to the job you seek. As such, an understanding of your role can provide you with much-needed insight when taking the SJT.
Personality Test You may be asked to complete a basic personality test. The purpose of a personality test is for L’Oreal to gauge whether your personality is a good match for the position you are applying for. There are a number of different types of personality tests. The most common personality tests are multiple-choice self-assessments. When taking any type of personality test, it is important to be authentic and answer the questions as truthfully as possible.
Telephone Interview
L’Oreal’s recruitment team will review your application. If you are selected as a possible candidate, you will be invited to a telephone interview.
L’Oreal’s Assessment Centre
If the telephone interview went well, you will be directed to a nearby assessment centre to participate in various exercises. The goal of the exercises is to evaluate your competency and skill level in a few areas that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Generally, there are two kinds of exercises that L’Oreal administers.
Group Exercises This activity is conducted to gauge your ability to function as a member of a team. You will be tasked with partaking in a group activity while the assessors observe your behaviour. The areas they will be analysing are your communication skills, teamwork abilities, and your capacity to collaborate with others.To ensure that you succeed in this exercise, make sure to pay attention to your body language. It is also important to remember to interact with and include all members of the team. Lastly, be sure to speak confidently and clearly.
Presentation Exercises This exercise is typically given to applicants who are interested in positions that require presentation skills. You will be given a slot of time in which you must prepare a presentation. You will be rated in communication, problem-solving and planning skill sets.Body language is an important component of this exercise as well. Be sure to stand upright, make eye contact with your audience, and speak succinctly. Make sure to address your audience periodically. Of course, keep an eye on the clock to ensure that you do not exceed the given time slot.
Final Interview
In order to get to know you better, before finalising their decision L’Oreal will ask that you participate in another interview. You will be asked questions about your past and present behaviour, as well as questions regarding hypothetical situations. It is a good idea to ask a few insightful questions of your own. If all goes well, you will be asked to participate in further interviews so that L’Oreal can continue to get to know you. Below are some interview tips that will help you feel confident at your interview:
It is important to have clear, coherent replies to the questions that the interviewer poses to you. The most effective way to achieve this is to practice your responses in advance. Prepare a few specific examples of your past behaviour, skills, and attributes that paint you in a positive light. Be prepared to answer questions about your goals. Have a ready answer for the ultimate question “why do you think you will succeed at L’Oreal”.
Leadership, being a team player, and innovation are the three main qualities that L’Oreal stresses. These are the attributes that they are seeking in potential employees. Think of a few examples that demonstrate that you possess one or all of these qualities. The more solid your examples are, the more likely you are to curry favour with the interviewer.
Do proper research about L’Oreal before showing up to the interview. If you know the details about the industry and about the position you seek, you will give a favourable impression.
Contrary to most employers, L’Oreal actually encourages its employees to dress casually and comfortably! Take advantage of this and wear comfortable attire to the interview so that you are not distracted by confining clothing.
Decision & Offer
After all the appropriate information is garnered, the recruiter and human resources personnel will deliberate and then arrive at a decision. If they determine that you will be a good candidate for the position, they will extend an official offer of employment to you.
How to Prepare for L’Oreal’s Assessments?
So, how can you navigate the hiring process, and more specifically, ace the assessment tests? Practice, practice, practice! Practising often is the key to success in the interviews and assessment tests. Practice responding to interview questions. Take multiple practice tests in numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, and logical reasoning. Take a few practice Situational Judgement Tests. Practice always pays off! By practising, you will hone your skills and get a feel for the actual questions you will face. Good luck!