Aviva Assessment Tests, Hiring Process & Interviews Questions Online Preparation – 2025

What Is Aviva?
Aviva is an insurance company with headquarters in London. As one of the largest insurance providers in the United Kingdom, Aviva is a prestigious company that has expanded into sixteen countries. Graduates who are analytical, curious, passionate, and team players may find Aviva to be the ideal work environment. The company wants leaders who are willing to work in different countries and to understand different cultures. Further, those who are multilingual will have an advantage when applying to Aviva. Ultimately, Aviva emphasises friendliness, supportiveness, and collaboration and wants employees who are proud and happy to work at the company.
Some of the company’s main values are:
- Care More
- Kill complexity
- Never Rest
- Create a Legacy
What Is Aviva’s Hiring Process?
Aviva has several steps in its application that ensure you’re right for them and that Aviva is right for you too. The steps are as follows:
Aviva’s Application Process
Those who have obtained or are on track to obtain a degree, in whatever area, can start an application to work at Aviva. The application will include application questions and a place to add your CV. Be sure to reflect Aviva’s values in your application and reflect the job description. After your application is sent, you will get a confirmation email, and Aviva will respond to you with additional steps when your application has been reviewed.
Online Exams
Online exams are an important screening tool for Aviva. After you submit your application, you will be sent links to online testing. To excel at online testing, it is best to practice before beginning the test.
If applying for a job in the French market, you will be asked to take a French language test to see if you are fluent. You must be fluent in French to work in this area.
The following pre-employment psychometric testing may be used to see job seekers’ aptitudes in various areas:
- Situational Strengths Test
The situational strengths test will give you several scenarios and ask you to make judgements based on the given information. The questions will be based on experiences you could encounter working at Aviva. Accordingly, this test shows whether you have the desired skills and judgement for the company. During the test, you will have to rank a series of options from least to most effective. Usually, a score in the top fifty percent of applicants is what Aviva looks for, but this will vary by position. You may be asked to take this test again at the assessment centre to verify that you’re the same person who took the test initially. Note that this test is like situational judgement tests, but videos may be used for a more interactive experience.
- Critical Reasoning Test
The critical reasoning test asks candidates to show your ability to draw reasonable conclusions, analyse information, and decide the validity of arguments. This test does not have a time limit, but Aviva does record how long each person takes to complete the test. Keep in mind that the average time it takes to finish this test is around forty minutes.
After the completion of both tests, you will get a report outlining your results. The report will give you your three biggest strengths and tell you how to best build upon these strengths as you begin your career.
- Numerical Reasoning Test
Video/Phone Interview
If you pass the online assessments, you will be given the chance to have a video interview, which accommodates those who may live far from where the position would be. Sometimes, you may be asked to do a phone interview instead. In this interview, you will be asked questions about your strengths, which reflect on how you will behave in a work environment.
Before the video interview, you will be given step by step instructions detailing how to complete your interview if you reach this stage in the recruitment process. You will also be told the questions that will be asked before the interview. For this interview, find a quiet area and be honest because Aviva wants to learn about who you are and what’s important to you. Your responses should be from thirty seconds to one minute. Think through your questions before responding but be sure to be candid so that Aviva sees your personality. Only those who advance to the assessment day will be notified of their application status.
Aviva Assessment Centre
Candidates who excel at the video interview portion will be asked to come to an assessment day in their local market. Candidates must travel to the location where they applied. Before assessment day, Aviva will send you schedules and information about your specific day. The details for the day at the assessment centre will vary based on the market and the job itself, but generally, graduates will be asked to complete a group task, a few short individual tests, and an in-person interview with a senior employee. Show how well you work as an individual and a teammate as you go through the activities. At the assessment centre, you should highlight why you would be good for the position while also determining if Aviva is a good fit for your interests.
Offer Made
If you are successful, you will be called with an offer, and you will also be notified if you are not successful. You may ask for feedback if you’d like to know why you were declined.
Aviva Interview Questions and Tips
During your interviews, you will be asked competency-based questions, but you will also be asked specific questions about the job for which you are applying. Some example questions are:
- Tell us about yourself.
- What made you choose your area of study?
- Have you ever had to change your course midway through a project to get a more desirable outcome?
- How do you make sure you produce the best quality work?
- Do you have strong negotiation skills? Rank these skills from 1-10 (and explain why you choose that ranking).
- Why are you interested in Aviva?
- How does your history reflect this position?
How to Prepare for Aviva’s Online Assessments?
As much preparation as possible is the best way to do well on the test. If you’re worried about not doing well on the online assessments, use practice tests so that you feel more confident when going into Aviva’s online assessment. Taking various practice tests in the two testing areas can also highlight which areas you most need to work on.
Aviva is a multinational company with a high number of applicants. Thus, candidates must make themselves stand out in their applications and interviews. Further, candidates must be successful at Aviva’s two psychometric tests. To best prepare for the recruitment process, you should practice interview questions, and take online practice tests. For those looking for a career in investment, Aviva may be a good fit, but it’s important when applying to this company to show that you are flexible, ambitious, and a leader. Using the tips and information above, you can best be ready to begin the Aviva application process.